Mount Sinai

Located in the Sinai Peninsula, Mount Sinai (طور سيناء‎ , جبل موسى , הר סיני‎), is around 2285 meters high, and is one of the highest peaks in Egypt. It’s significance however, is not because it is high, Mount Sinai is supposed to be the mountain where Moses was spoken to by God. It is therefore a destination for many pilgrims at all times of the year. At the base of Mount Sinai is St. Catherine’s Monastery, and at the top is another small chapel as well as a mosque where people pray. The climb to the top of the mountain takes about 3 hours, the end part is pretty hectic, there are about 4000 steps that you have to climb, but it is definitely worth it. It is a popular destination where people climb up during the night to witness the sun rise. If you do that make sure you take warm clothes with you, because even during the summer, the temperature gets close to freezing at the top.

Mount Sinai Photos – SinaiEgypt